Is Periodontal Disease Contagious? And other questions…
In our practice, we hear many great questions about periodontal disease and gums in general. So, to help educate our patients better, we have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions for you here:
Q: Is periodontal disease contagious?
A: Yes and no. The disease, which is an inflammatory response to bacteria under the gums, itself is not contagious. However, that bacteria can be spread through saliva, which could in turn cause periodontal disease in another person. To be safe, don’t share utensils or toothbrushes in your house.
Q: Can children get periodontal disease?
A: No. Periodontal disease has only very rarely been found in children and adolescents. However, it’s never too soon to adopt good healthy gum habits! Teach your kids to brush twice and floss once every day.
Q: Do I need antibiotics to get rid of the bacteria?
A: Possibly. A number of factors go into our determination about whether a patient needs topical antibiotic treatment after a periodontal cleaning. If you do need it, it will be applied under the gums during treatment.
Q: Are diabetes and periodontal disease related?
A: Yes, periodontal disease is a common complication of diabetes, most likely because diabetes makes a person more prone to infection. New evidence also shows that good perio health may have a positive effect on blood sugar levels as well!
Q: What about heart disease?
A: This is less clear, however several studies have shown that gum disease may increase the risk of heart disease as well.
As always, we are here to help. If you have additional questions that don’t appear on this list, give us a call!
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